Monday, June 23, 2008

What? We are no longer a Christian nation? No!

Interesting that this one single statement is causing so much internet blogging bustle, as WorldNetDaily reports the ramifications of Obama's comments a couple times about America being the melting pot that we've known about for decades, referencing our religious affiliations. The thing he avoids mentioning at all, is the puritan roots that our country was founded on, and the understanding that in fact, it was the majority of those Protestant, often evangelical Christian conservatives, back in the 1700s who made our country the free and brave USA it is today. Even our national anthem was penned by a Episcopalian "religious" man, who also penned the words to other hymns used across America from the 1800s to current.

How can one separate our heritage from religion as if it is water/oil?

How can one not see the Creator in the works of history in the USA?

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