Friday, March 7, 2008

To Laugh, Or Not to Laugh

I listened to the Georgene Rice show on KPDQ 93.9 today. It was Fun Friday, and she had me laughing about a few things. For example, she was discussing the media coverage on the Hollywood film and production strikes occurring (or imminent—I didn’t catch the details), and the discussion came up that at some point this Spring, there might be no further films produced in the Hollywood sector. She said (paraphrase--not an exact quote—she actually said it better than me), “…you mean Americans might have no new shows or movies to watch?! People might actually have to play outside [furrowed brow], or even actually take in the current political climate? Perhaps one will have to think through an idea from beginning to the logical conclusion? [aghast sigh]."

It was a breath of fresh air, after I chuckled, having heard this same concern mulled over and over on the
American Conservative Forum. The underlying frustration that active conservative Americans face: many fellow Americans spend so much time attached at the hip to the remote, staring at the TV screen or computer monitor, they have no idea how to engender a thought or analyze the current events affecting their lives. So much so, that I must tell about a couple other news items Georgene mused about, which exemplify this mindless wandering we are herded into day-by-day.

Somewhere in the eastern side of the United States recently, a boy was celebrating his 9th birthday at his local Chuck E. Cheese. His mom ruined his celebration when she got in a physical brawl with another mother, after an accusation that one boy was hogging the arcade. The absurdity is that those 2 women are facing a future court date for simple assault & battery, and all because the arcade machine wasn’t free for the birthday boy. What sort of example of maturity was demonstrated for those boys at the party?

In another part of the world, two young men recently started a website “selling” reservations to heaven. Complete with a basic package and the VIP tour, small price attachments were assigned, and the website was born in hopes sorry, mindless creatures would think that their fate rested in a decision to reserve a spot in heaven. Now, in extremely small print, they acknowledge their total lack of authority to sell, reserve, promise, or claim anything about heaven, yet decided this “gag” was a possible money-making scheme. When one pastor commented on this web site the risk they were taking eternally considering the alternative, the boys’ indifferent attitudes were channeled into creating their next website, to “sell” reservations to hell.

If you finished shaking your head, and laughing at the absurdity of all this, start praying. Then, next time you peruse the web for intelligent, thought-provoking, conservative Christian websites or blogs, here are a few I highly recommend (in addition to mine). Feel free to add comments with your own favorites.
Some Things Just Need to be Said
The Kottmans
Clear Evidence

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