Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A Predicament of Religious Opinion and Politics

An article got my mind assessing the immense responsibility we as conservative evangelical Christians must consider when determining which candidate to endorse throughout the election proceedings. It isn't just about our vote, but how we are perceived throughout in representing our view of the candidates. These candidates are having ongoing discussion about their current or past religious associations. While our own value system and decision in the election process is truly personal, we need to be cognizant that indeed the globe is watching us. Predictions are being made based on religious denominational stereotypes, specific to those religious groups of which the candidates have been in some way associated, either positive or negative. In a world where the boiling point is triggered by religious ramblings, it is important to take to prayer our intake of who we see as a potential and positive candidate to the President of the United States.

Here's the article that put me in this reflective mode:

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